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Hope Corner School End of Year Celebration 2018

Updated: Jan 7

Hope Corner School had a fantastic Celebration Service in July, at Hope Corner Church, to congratulate all of our students on completing a great year. Our year 11 students came with their families to collect awards, certificates and gifts. Our students had also baked some cookies and brownies for the event.

As Hope Corner School is run by members of Hope Corner Church, and with many other members of the church actively supporting and having various amounts of input into what we do, this event is always one that the whole Hope Corner community is passionate about. As a team we love to celebrate all of our students' achievements and show how they are discovering their potential.

Various people that have worked alongside our school leavers attended to support them or to share during the celebration. Photos and videos we shown throughout, showing students' at work in the allotment, rock climbing and working with animals at Freedom Equine. Members of the church, family members and professionals in attendance commented about how positive and inspirational the celebration was. We were told how proud individuals were to be part of the journey our students have been on, and one professional stated he was amazed to see the things students had been able to achieve.

For everyone who was involved in making this event happen, or anyone who has supported our school throughout 2017/18, we want you to know how much the staff and students appreciate all that you have done. A final congratulations to our school leavers for all you have overcome and achieved. We know you are going to continue to reach your potential in your colleges.

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