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Staff and Students make Progress at Our Allotment

During the summer term, staff and students enjoyed working at the allotment a every week. Due to the hot and dry weather, our allotment needed a lot of watering and maintenance. Students also went to the local garden centre to buy new plants for our sensory garden, which has a range of plants with different smells and textures. This includes lavender, mint, lemon and curry plants, as well as a water reed to go in a pond we created. A variety of grasses, including zebra grass, and flowers such as geraniums donated to us from people in the community have also been planted.

Further tasks included getting rid of the weeds around our plants and keeping on top of pest control using natural methods. Hope Cafe gave us ground coffee to use to prevent slugs eating our crops. We grew potatoes, tomatoes, lettuce, rhubarb and strawberries, which where collected when they were ready in June and July. In the kitchen at school students baked rhubarb crumble and had it with custard for dessert and strawberries were enjoyed at lunchtimes.

A huge thank you to all of the staff, students and members of the community who have been involved in making this happen throughout the school year.

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